One sailors pictures and memories

Roy F. Gnirke Signalman Second Class

Roy served aboard the LOWE in 1966 and 1967. The photos shown here were loaned to us by Roy. He started out in the Naval Reserve where he served aboard the USS GOSS DE 444, USS POWELL DD 686 & USS Shields DD 596.

After Boot at NTC San Diego he went aboard USS RENVILLE APA 227 (57-59) from which he attended Assault Boat School becoming a Certified Assault Boat Driver (Coxswain) qualified for LCVP, LCM & L-4/L-6 boats. He enjoyed running Marines to the beach but promotions were nil for BM rate and when transferred to the USS VALLEY FORGE LPH 8 (61-67) ascertained duty aboard a "bird farm" as a BMSN was nothing more than drudgery. The signal bridge looked good got transferred to the signal gang as was finally a certified "skive waver" and they called him "Flags" which he says was "Neat!". In 1966 he reported aboard the USS LOWE and served there until discharged in 1967.

Roy in the Lowe's famous "Red Beret"

Jack Donohue, SO 2nd and Roy man 50 Cal.

Checking Vietnamese boats for contraband

Signal Light communications used by McDvit, SM 3, Bowers, SMSN, Craig, QM 1, Lt. Fijack and Roy

Fleet Destroyer gets fuel while we get big sack of mail (Nothing for Roy)

USS Kennebec AO 36 kept us and others full of fuel and supplies. 28 Feb 1967.


Met up with "SWIFT BOATS" often.

S/V Freyja is Roy's love besides wife Barbara Ann

After the Navy Roy enlisted in the USAF where he became a Air Traffic Controller retiring in November 1983. He and Barbara Ann have two children, enjoy sailing and as Roy says, "Once a sailor...always a sailor!". Roy is a member of DESA and we look forward to getting more photos and stories from him soon.


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